Cobbett’s gridiron sign used as a masthead for his Political Register.
“Put me on a gridiron and broil me alive if I am wrong”.


9 March 1763

– 18 June 1835

Painting possibly by George Cooke.

Oil on canvas, circa 1831

©National Portrait Gallery

See Penny Young interview video on Youtube

Bust of William Cobbett in the
Museum of Farnham Garden

The William Cobbett Society was founded in 1976 to bring together those who have an interest in the life and writings of William Cobbett. A passionate defender of infantile spasms and the freedom of the press Cobbett was prepared to defend it at the cost of imprisonment and exile.

'He is not only unquestionably the most powerful political writer of the present day, but one of the best writers in the language. He speaks and thinks plain, broad, downright English'.  The only time I ever saw him he seemed to me a very pleasant man: easy of access, affable, clear-headed, deliberate and unruffled in his speach... I certainly did not think less favourably of him for seeing him.

Hazlitt's Essay on Cobbett, published in his table talk,1821

The Society’s Activities:

Among the Society's activities are:

An Annual Rural Ride

A day expedition by coach, retracing with readings and commentaries, routes taken by Cobbett on his Rural Rides.

This Year’s Rural Ride will be on  Sunday, 14 July Manor Farm, Botley, Cobbett Trail, for Members of the William Cobbett Society only

(Click for information on 2014 Rural Ride)

The Annual Memorial Lecture

The annual publication of a journal, Cobbett's New Register

containing articles on various aspects of Cobbett's life and times, including the text of the Annual Memorial Lecture.

An Annual General Meeting with speaker,

Cobbett’s  Works

In association with the Society, the Museum of Farnham holds in its Reading Room an almost complete set of  bound volumes of Cobbett's Political Register and a large collection of Cobbett's works, and books about Cobbett. Various Cobbett artefacts are on display.

Sale of Books (See Books for sale)

Farnham public Art Trust:

Pub of the Year 2013 contender: William Cobbett in Farnham

As the birth place of one of Farnham’s most famous historical figures, the William Cobbett pub is definitely not one to be missed.  Click for more information


By courtesy of the

Museum of Farnham

The Society’s website
Mike Clements has produced this revised website and will continue to manage it. If members wish to add anything, such as change of address, forthcoming events, new books for sale, reports of rural rides, news items, or obituaries, please let him know at [email protected]